Ways to prepare for a Reiki and Intuitive Healing Session
(applies to both in office and distance healing sessions)
The session is booked. You hold in your heart and mind the intentions for making the appointment, the hoped-for results or shifts. But how can you prepare yourself for the movement of ki (or energy?) As we all know receiving is not always easy, and though the Reiki treatment will work on deep levels no matter what state you are in, you can contribute to its effectiveness by preparing. In this way you participate in the movement of universal Source energy as it continually moves through the ‘you’ of your own energy.
Here are a few steps you can take to help prepare for your session:
1.) From the time you booked the appointment, to its actual date, choose activities that cultivate calm and relaxation. Make a conscious effort to allow your body and mind to relax and be relaxed. Talk a walk, meditate, watch your breathing, light essential oils in your house, read an inspirational book or similar types of activities. When you choose calm, you allow yourself to open and let go of the hidden stressors that can cause contraction, and thus constrict the movement of energy within yourself.
2.) Embrace what you are largely made of! That is, water. Drink water, flush the body, take a bath. Water is both a symbol, and physical example, of fluidity and we are mainly made up of this fluidity. Introduce more water into your day, imagine yourself floating in water, moving in the direction of peace, joy and freedom or feeling these qualities move within you. Water is also about intuition. Being in dark watery places enhances intuition. Water is associated with the kidneys and of course our kidneys need to be hydrated. We use our kidney energy when tuning in to things (on a psychic level) and overall it’s an important part of intuition.
3.) Clarify your personal intentions. Even though Reiki works with energy that is beyond us, it is very personal and holding clear intentions can help you receive insight, and release memory on a cellular level, besides it can add to your own eagerness to experience Reiki for all your heart’s desires.
4.) Have fun. If you tend to be someone who takes yourself very seriously, lighten up, loosen up, dance around your house or skip from appointment to appointment (at least in your mind.) This creates movement, opens channels of ki and creates a sense of positive allowing. Go into your session with a playful spirit to enjoy and experience the adventure of something new, all for you!
Ann Bibbey offers unique guidance as an Intuitive Healer and Teacher. Using a combination of Reiki, Face Reading, and her abilities as a Psychic Medium, Ann works with many individuals who are struggling through life’s changes. To book a session in Ann’s Fort Collins office or a distance healing session, or to inquire about a workshop call (970) 672-8810 or email [email protected].